When you decide to become a Kamloops EFry monthly supporter, you’re joining an extraordinary group of people dedicated to changing the lives of community members in need.
Whether it’s housing support or community justice – our programs provide local individuals and families with the resources and support to remove the barriers vulnerable and marginalized people face on daily basis. Because of generous donors like you, all the programs Kamloops & District Elizabeth Fry Society runs are free and available to local people in need.
Why Give Monthly
It’s easy and convenient. Automatic monthly gifts are safely and securely deducted on the date of your choice.
Monthly donations go farther. Monthly gifts reduce administrative and postage costs – meaning more of your support goes directly to those who need it.
You are in charge. If for any reason you need to make changes to your monthly gift, you can contact us at 1-877-374-2119 or admin@kamloopsefry.com to pause, adjust the amount, or cancel your gift. It’s that easy.
By becoming a monthly donor will provide a stable, much-needed source of funding for year-round support to Kamloops EFry programs and services.
Your gift of:
$10/month can provide school and recreation support to one child in the Family Stepping Stones program. School and recreational activities are import for the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of children.
$20/month can help one family bridge the gap in food security by providing healthier meal options. Healthy eating is the pillar of better self-care for mothers and children alike.
$50/month can assist one family who has fled violence and abuse, to settle into their new safe home at the Family Stepping Stones supportive second-stage housing.
$100/month can help women learn employment and soft skills, that will help them build self-esteem and become more confident in their journey towards independence and self-sufficiency, creating a better future for themselves and their children.
*Figures have been calculated based on one full year of giving.